Wellness Coaching

BODY - Wellness Coaching

Eating is how you nourish your body, and I am here to teach you how to fuel for your sport, or teach you how to eat healthier, break certain habits, learn healthy habits, and achieve goals of gaining, losing, or maintaining your weight. I also will teach you strategies that support you in taking care of yourself, including the following: 


The idea that everyone has unique needs that may change over time and what works for one person won’t necessarily work for another

Multi-Dimensional Health

The idea that different aspects of health are interconnected, such as physical health, mental health, emotional health, and spiritual health (covered under Mind- Life Coaching)

Sustainable Shifts

Small shifts in habits, practices, or behaviors that are implemented one at a time to create long-term change that feels doable

MIND - Life Coaching

My focus is to help you from your mind-set and the way you speak to yourself to your relationship with stress and even your ability to cope with challenges. Mental health is linked with emotional health as it means being able to be present with your feelings and accept them for what they are as well as utilizing tools and strategies to work with your emotions rather than ignoring or fighting against them. I can help you navigate through that by seeing with clarity, providing motivation, accountability, and tools to reach your goals and potential.